Most recent post is for people who love to listen to classical music and want to explore music they may not have heard before or discover the best performance of music they have already heard and enjoy.
This website was created to help music lovers achieve both goals. We are uniquely able to fulfill this mission because we bring together two exceptional resources:
1) a classical music collection that includes over 100,000 recordings of more than 50,000 different pieces of music from every corner of the globe, representing every historical period from biblical times to the present – one of the largest collections of classical music in the world; and
2) the expertise of some of the best professional music commentators, musicians, and composers involved in the classical music world.
- Buried Treasure introduces music from all periods and places, providing an opportunity to explore rarely heard works
- Interpreting Classical Music involves discussions on the interpretation of classical music in which well-established record critics review recordings of more familiar works, play excerpts of the performances under review, and explain their standards for judging performance;
- What’s New on the Classical Music Scene?
Interviews of notable composers, performers, music critics and scholars discussing theirwork and the latest developments in classical music.
- Opera Box.
- Mahler Commentaries features the history and musical analysis of each of Mahler’s works by noted Mahler expert, Lew Smoley;
- Profiles contain programs about the life and music of specific composers with whom listeners may be less familiar than they should be. is a non-profit corporation and we rely upon donations from our listeners in order to continue to provide its unique programs. You may contribute by clicking the “donate” button above. All donations will be acknowledged and are tax-deductible under applicable law.