With Lew Smoley The Works Uhde Die Zeist Ust Da! Furchtbare Not! Modl Parsifal! Weile! Modl and Vinay Amfortas! Die Wunde! Melchior Amfortas! Die Wunde! Lawrence and Maison Conclusion
Author: Lew Smoley
Buried Treasure: Wagnerian Singers 1930s – 1960s, Parsifal Act 1
With Lew Smoley The works Kipnis Oh Wunden-Wundervoller Heiliger Speer Vom Bade Kehrt Weisst Du Greindl Titurel, Der Fromme Held Weber Titurel Hines Gurnemanz Christoff Eddy & Bampton Nun sag’- nichts weisst du, was ich dich frage
Opera Box: Lukas Foss – The Jumping Frog of Calveras County
With Lew Smoley
Profiles: Lukas Foss, pt. 5
With Lew Smoley
Profiles: Lukas Foss, pt. 4
With Lew Smoley
Profiles: Lukas Foss, pt. 3
With Lew Smoley
Profiles: Lukas Foss, pt. 2
With Lew Smoley and JoAnn Falletta
Profiles: Lukas Foss, pt. 1
With Lew Smoley
Profiles: Joseph Marx, pt. 5
With Lew Smoley
Profiles: Joseph Marx, pt. 4
With Lew Smoley