With Lew Smoley Selections Forging Scene Max Lorenz and Erick Witte continued Günther Treptow and William Wernigk continued continued Set Svanholm and Peter Klein continued Ludwig Suthaus and Julius Patzak continued continued continued continued Wolfgang Windgassen and Peter Klein continued Hans Hopf and Erich Kraus continued Jean Cox and Erwin Wohlfahrt continued Jess Thomas and… Continue reading Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers, 1930s – 1960s, Siegfried Act 1, pt. 2
Author: Lew Smoley
Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers 30’s – 60’s, Siegfried Act 1 pt. 1
Listening Guide: With Lew Smoley Selections Zwangvolle plage! Müh’ ohne Zweck! Heinrich Tessier Karl Laufkötter Paul Kuën Gerhard Stolze Hoiho! Hoiho! Hau ein! Hau ein! Melchior & Laufkötter Set Svanholm & Peter Klein continued Wolfgang Windgassen & Erwin Wohlfahrt Als Zullewndes Kind (Mime’s Complaint) Erich Witte Peter Klein Erich Straus Gerhard Stolze Vieles Lehrtest du,… Continue reading Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers 30’s – 60’s, Siegfried Act 1 pt. 1
Buried Treasure: Russian Futurists pt. 2
Listening Guide with Lew Smoley The Works Protopopov Piano Sonata No. 1 Movement 1 Movement 2 Movement 3 Piano Sonata No. 3 Knipper Symphony No. 4 in D Movement 1 Movement 2 Violin Concerto No. 1 Movement 1 Movement 2 Movement 3 Mosolov Iron Foundry Tractor’s Arrival at the Kolkhaz Four Newspaper Annoucements Piano Concerto… Continue reading Buried Treasure: Russian Futurists pt. 2
Buried Treasure: Russian Futurists pt. 1
Listening Guide: With Lew Smoley The works Alexander Goedicke At War Introduction In The Trenches Attack Silence Funeral March Battle Ending Roslavets In The Hours of the New Moon Violin Concerto No. 1 Movement no. 1 Movement no. 2 Movement no. 3 Piano Sonata No. 5 Chamber Symphony Movement no. 1 Movement no. 2 Movement… Continue reading Buried Treasure: Russian Futurists pt. 1
Opera Box: Phédra
With Lew Smoley
Buried Treasure: Night pt. 1
With Lew Smoley
Interview: Jaap Nico Hamburger
With Lew Smoley and Jaap Nico Hamburger