Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers 1930s – 1960s, Gotterdammerung Act 3, pt. 1

With Lew Smoley The works Rhinemaidens Scene Berger, Amara, Glaz Sutherland, Hale, Thomas Rebmann, Moser, Reynolds Siegfried’s Narrative Melchior, Hoffmann, Schorr Suthaus, Greindl, Poell Windgassen, Udhe, Greindl Siegfried’s Death Melchior, Janssen, Ernester Lorenz, Greindl, Udhe Hopft, Frick Windgassen Brilioth, Ridderbusch, Stewart

Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers 1930s – 1960s, Gotterdammerung Act 2

With Lew Smoley The Works Hagen and Alberich Hoffmann and Habich Pechner and Ernster Neidlinger and Greindl Kelemen and Ridderbusch Neidlinger and Frick Hagen’s Call List Greindle Frick Brunnhilde Accuses Siegfried Schorr, Lawrence, Melchior, and Hoffmann Brunnhilde and Siegfried swear and oath Flagstad and Svanholm Lorenz and Varnay Brunnhilde acuses Siegfried and oaths Nilsson, Windgassen,… Continue reading Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers 1930s – 1960s, Gotterdammerung Act 2

Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers 1930s – 1960s, Gotterdammerung Act 1

With Lew Smoley The Works Entrance of Siegfried Ernest and Melchior Greindl and Suthaus Frick and Hopf Entrance of Gutrune Resnick Sieglinde’s Welcome Brouwenstijn Gutrune’s Welcome Harper Plotting and Bloodbrotherhood Schorr and Melchior Svanholm, Janssen, and Ernester Windgassen, Grindl, and Udhe Hagen’s Watch Hoffmann Greindl Frick Weber Ernester Waltraute’s Warning Harshaw and Traubel Part 2:… Continue reading Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers 1930s – 1960s, Gotterdammerung Act 1

Buried Treasure: Wagner Singers 1930s – 1960s, Gotterdammerung Prologue

With Lew Smoley The Norns Scene Met 1936 Met 1951 Bayreuth 1956 Love Duet Austral and Widdop, 1928 Melchior and Lawrence, 1936 Melchior and Flagstad, 1939 Varnay and Lorenz, 1952 Varnay and Windgassen, 1955 Amy Schuard and Windgassen, 1965 Nillson and Hans Hopf, 1960 Helge Brilioth and Helga Dernesch, 1968 Gladys Kuchta and Windgassen, 1968

Buried Treasure: Le Cabaret, pt. 2

With Lew Smoley The works Vladigerov Foxtrot Tijardovic Mein Shimmy, Jazz Band Shimmy Alexander Moyzes Tango Blues Mischa Spoliansky Jimmy Shimmy Harlem Blues Franz Waxman Cabaret Songs Die Mädels Vom Montparnasse Spice It Up! Poverty Is Everywhere Our Worries Are Over Magic Voyage Reinhold Gliere Charleston (From The Red Poppy) Tiomkin Creole Blues Paul Dessau… Continue reading Buried Treasure: Le Cabaret, pt. 2

Buried Treasure: Le Cabaret, pt .1

With Lew Smoley The works Foulds Le Cabaret Overture Satie Ragtime De Paquebot (from “Parade”) Martinu Three Dances Foxtrot One Step Black Bottom Schulhoff No. 2 Shimmy Foxtrot (From “Grotesque”) Hindemith Foxtrot (From “Tuttifantchen”) Max Butting Tango (From 15 short piano pieces) Leopold Mittmann Concert Jazz Suite Charleston Blues Hot Walter Niemann Modern Dance Suite… Continue reading Buried Treasure: Le Cabaret, pt .1

Profiles: Pancho Vladigerov pt. 3

With Lew Smoley The works Piano Concerto No. 1 Movement 1 Piano Concerto No. 3 Movement 1 Movement 2 Movement 3 Two Romanian Symphonic Sketches Aria Paidoushko Dance Song For The Beloved Symphony No. 1 Movement 1 Movement 2 Movement 3 Movement 4 Waltz From May Symphony Traumspielsuite Violin Concerto No. 1 Movement 1 Movement… Continue reading Profiles: Pancho Vladigerov pt. 3

Profiles: Pancho Vladigerov pt. 2

With Lew Smoley The works Shumen Berceuse Boite A Musique Danse Des Paysana Chant Humoresque Ratchenitza Bulgarian Folk Songs For Bass and Orchestra Dafina Wine! Hey, Dimitro The Woods Were Writhing From The Mountain A Maiden From Shoumen Mincho Winked At Minka Nine Years Have Passed A Whistle Sounded In The Dark Sonatina Concertante movement… Continue reading Profiles: Pancho Vladigerov pt. 2

Profiles: Pancho Vladigerov, pt. 1

With Lew Smoley The works Symphonic Legend 10 Impressions (excerpts) No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 No. 5 No. 7 No. 9 4 (of 6) Lyric Songs Silent Was the Night The Flowers Were Crying Past Midnight How Merrily We Stood Together Lud Gidyia Prelude “Solitude” Elegiac Romance for Cello and Orchestra (1917) Burlesque for… Continue reading Profiles: Pancho Vladigerov, pt. 1