Symphony No.4 in G Major – Introduction

Listening Guide   The Work Date(s) of Composition: 1899-1900; published by Universal (1901, rev. 1903, 1910)Place of Composition: Maiernigg and ViennaPremiere: 25 November 1901, Munich Orchestration: 4 flutes (3rd and 4th doubling with piccolo), 3 oboes, (3rd doubling with English Horn); 3 clarinets in Bb, A and C (2nd doubling with E-flat clarinet, 3rd with… Continue reading Symphony No.4 in G Major – Introduction

Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Sixth Movement

Listening Guide   The Work Tempo: Langsam, ruhevoll, empfunden. (Slow, restful, deeply felt).Key: D major (modulating to F-sharp minor, C sharp minor, etc.)Time Signature: 4/4.Form: Elements of rondo and sonata form with variations on two principal themes.

Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Fifth Movement

Listening Guide   The Work Tempo: Lustig in Tempo und keck in Ausdruck (In a merry tempo and bold expression).Key: F major (D minor in the middle section)Time Signature: 4/4Rhythm: lively march.Form: strophic (ABCA)Orchestration: alto solo, women’s and children’s choruses, 4 flutes, 3 horns, 5 clarinets (including bass clarinet), 3 bassoons, glockenspiel, 2 harps, strings… Continue reading Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Fifth Movement

Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Fourth Movement

Listening Guide   The Work Tempo: Sehr langsam. Misterioso.Key: D major/minorTime Signature: 2/2, changing to 3/3 (with one measure of 3/4)Form: through-composed song form (Introduction-ABAB)Text: The Midnight Song from Also Sprach Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche (sung by alto voice) O Mensch! O Mensch!Gib Acht! Gib Acht!Wie spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?Ich schief! Ich schief!Aus tiefem Traum… Continue reading Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Fourth Movement

Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Third Movement

Listening Guide   The Work Tempo: Comodo. Scherzando. Ohne Hast. (Without Haste).Key: C minor/major (Trio in F major/minor)Time Signature: 2/4 alternating with 6/8 (6/8 in Trio)Rhythm: binary dance form (bourrée) as in Ablösung im SommerForm: Rondo (ABACABCA)

Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Second Movement

Listening Guide   The Work Tempo: Tempo di Menuetto. Sehr mässig. (Very moderate)Key: A major (with contrasting sections in F-sharp minor)Time Signature: mostly triple meter (3/4, 3/8, 9/8) with occasional duple meter (2/4)Basic rhythm: minuet or slow ländler alternating with quick-step dance rhythmsForm: ABABA (rondo with variations)

Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – First Movement

Listening Guide   The Work Tempo: Kräftig . Entschieden. (Forcefully and decidedly)Key: D minor to F major with numerous intermittent modulationsTime Signature: 4/4, changing to various other meters throughout the movementForm: Extended sonata form with introduction and codaPrincipal Material: funeral march and popular military march in alternation

Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Introduction

Listening Guide   The Work Date(s) of Composition: 1895-1896; published by Weinberger in 1898; Universal Edition in 1901; revised 1906.Place of Composition: SteinbachPremiere: 9 June 1902, Krefeld Orchestration: 4 flutes (one doubles with piccolo); 4 oboes (4th doubles with English horn); 3 clarinets in B-flat (3rd doubles with bass clarinet); 2 clarinets in E-flat (2d… Continue reading Symphony No. 3 in D Minor – Introduction

Symphony No.2 in C Minor – Fifth Movement

Listening Guide   The Work Tempo: In ruhig fliessender Bewegung (In calmly flowing motion)Principal Key: C minor (C major in the trio)Time Signature: 3/8.Rhythm: fast ländler with a sixteenth-note ostinato.Form: Scherzo and trio. ChorusAuferstehn, ja auferstehn wirst du,Mein Staub, nach kurzer Ruh!Unsterblich LebenWird, der dich rief, dir geben.   Wieder aufzublühn, wirst du gesät!Der Herr… Continue reading Symphony No.2 in C Minor – Fifth Movement

Symphony No.2 in C Minor – Fourth Movement

Listening Guide   The Work “Urlicht” (“Primal Light”) from “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”Tempo: Sehr feierlich aber schlicht (Choralmässig) (very solemn but modestly simple) [Like a chorale]Key: D-flat major (middle section begins in B-flat minor)Time Signature: 4/4 (with alternating meter shifts).Form: Though-composed in ABA structure. O Röschen rot!Der mensch liegt in größter Not!Der mensch liegt in größter… Continue reading Symphony No.2 in C Minor – Fourth Movement